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Dan Lepindea's aquarium

This is my latest tank, I also have a 220 Gallon tank (about 830 litres) which is built in a wall.
In this tank I keep Oscars Green Terrors (South America).

Information about this aquarium:   Aquarium with rounded corners with a volume of 500 litres.

                                                      The substrate is coarse crushed coral.

                                                      Beach rocks set up to create caves and hiding.

Vegetation:                                    Vallisneria spiralis

Pumps + filters:                             1x External bio-filter canister (1100 liters / hr) –
                                                      with the water spray tubing fitted above the water level.

                                                      1x “ASTRO” Internal filter (the largest flow that I could
                                                      find on the market) – which allows to crate the water
                                                      movement and circulation around the tank.

Heater:                                          300 Watt heater - chosen because Durban (South Africa), the
                                                      place where I'm living, is a tropical zone where temperatures
                                                      do not drop too much even during the winter.

The lighting is from:                       2x 4 ft fluorescent tubes “ice white”

                                                      2x 4 ft fluorescent tubes "actinic blue"

                                                      These tubes are alternately fitted – each has its individual
                                                      mirror-chrome reflector.      

The water pH is constant on the level of 8.4 – 8.5 (the buffering “trick” with aquarium coarse salt,
bicarbonate of soda and Epsom salts).

The following cichlids are living in this tank:

                                                  Labeotropheus trewavasae                  3 males + 5 females
                                                  Labidochromis caeruleus "green"         1 male  + 1 female?
                                                  Labidochromis caeruleus "yellow"        5 examples
                                                  Metriaclima callainos "Cobalt Blue"      4 males + 8 females
                                                  Metriaclima estherae "red"                    3 males + 4 females
                                                  Metriaclima zebra "red top"                   3 males + 5 females

There's also a group of Non-Mbuna's in it:

                                                  5 males and 8 females of the following Aulonocara's:
                                                               Aulonocara koningsi
                                                               Aulonocara stuartgranti Maleri–orange
                                                               Aulonocara stuartgranti "Usisya"

                                                  6 x Copadichromis borleyi "Kadango red fin"

                                                  4 x Frontosa (not a Malawi cichlid)